10 Best Ways to Deal With Hair Loss in 2016

10 Best Ways to Deal With Hair Loss in 2016

8th Mar 2016

Hair TransplantWith 2016 comes new resolutions and new adventures. However, you did not wake up January 1 with a  slimmer physique, improved relationships or a lush, full head of hair where one did not exist before. Do not toss hope out the window with the hairbrush! Be intentional, assess the best options and resolve to deal with that hair loss.

1. Nutrition

Choosing foods rich in protein and containing healthy fats gives hair a thicker and shinier appearance, strengthens the follicle, and decreases breakage. Vitamin B is also vital to hair cell production and growth. Ultimately, your genes dictate hair loss. However, a nutrient-rich diet promotes looking good in those jeans on several fronts.

For healthy suggestions, check out the American Diabetes Association’s dietary guidelines.

2. Natural Hair Loss Remedies

With the focus on being chemical-free in our homes and bodies, natural remedies for treating hair loss may become all the rage. Treatments are applied topically or ingested orally or both. While the natural options seem endless, there is no current data to prove the effectiveness of these methods.Testimonials from friends or online are the going source of information. Research and experimentation are required. Fortunately, the cost is low in most cases.

Visit Top 10 Remedies for Hair Loss.

3. Hair Pieces

Hair TransplantToupee jokes aside, wigs remain a viable option in contemporary society. After all, to avoid dealing with a problem, what better solution than to cover it up. It is the human way!

Synthetic hair pieces provide the convenience of easier style and maintenance while being cheaper. Human wigs, on the other hand, require skill in achieving that “I just rolled out of bed, and I look this good” result. While the stigma may still exist for this option, consider the results from The Wig Experts and others before you toss this solution back to your granddad.

4. Minoxidil

You may recognize this treatment by its street cred, Rogaine. This topical drug is one of only two approved by the FDA for treating hair loss. Minoxidil slows hair loss and promotes possible regrowth in the form of peach fuzz.

On the other hand, continued use is necessary for continued results. Plus, there are possible side effects as with all drugs. You know the drill, “When using this medication, you may experience … blah, blah, blah.“

The U.S. National Library of Medicine provides accurate drug information for this option. 

5. Laser Hair Loss Treatments

Hair TransplantLong ago, lasers were products of imaginations seen in science-fiction movies. Today, lasers populate the medical field, including hair loss treatment. You feel like an alien donning a laser cap, but advances in lasers give you options like laser combs and brushes.

Laser treatment stimulates hair growth by increasing blood flow to the scalp. The results slow down hair loss, but do not prevent it and do not promote regrowth. For results, the treatment must be continued several times a week for the long haul. Dermatologists execute the procedure, or you can purchase at home products to achieve similar results.

Check it out! 9 Best Laser Hair Loss … Treatment Products You Can Use at Home

6. Hair Restoration

One quick scan of the magazine aisle and evidence abounds that restoration is trending. As a society, we are restoring cars and vintage appliances. Why not hair? Hair restoration treats hair loss by moving hair from one part of the scalp to another, thereby, generating permanent hair growth. Find a qualified doctor at the International Society for Hair Restoration Surgery.

7. Vampire Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Sounds a bit frightening? But if you are willing to bite, you might just get the results you long for. Not in the dark of the night, but in a doctor’s office, a blood sample is drawn (by needle, not teeth) to create a PRP cocktail. This cocktail is then applied to the scalp to stimulate hair growth.

For information on this procedure, check out this YouTube video.

8. Follicular Unit’s Extraction Technique (FUE)

Hair TransplantExtraction sounds just like what it is. FUE extracts or removes hair follicles from thicker areas of hair and implants the follicles in bald areas. This option is less invasive than a traditional hair transplant with less recovery time, three to five days, and no scar. It works well for men who want to wear their short.

For information on FUE and other surgical options, visit the International Society for Hair Restoration Surgery.

9. Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation (FUT)

Even traditional hair transplant surgeries have received contemporary makeovers. Today, a strip of hair is removed from the back of the head and follicles are individually grafted into balding areas. The results are permanent and more natural looking. Recovery time is approximately ten days, and a scar is a reality with this procedure. For more benefits visit Hair Club.

10. Au Natural

If cost or other factors hold you back from pursuing lush locks, you will not be in bad company, Celebs and others have weathered hair loss, even baldness, with style. Take a cue from their bald heads as to being comfortable in your skin.