​How Does Minoxidil Combat Hair Loss?

​How Does Minoxidil Combat Hair Loss?

20th Jun 2014

hair lossMinoxidil is a hair loss treatment that is recommended to women and men that are suffering from certain types of hair loss. This highly-popular and effective treatment is dose-based and applied directly to the scalp. While it has been around for years, many people do not understand how this medication combats hair loss. 

How Does It Work?

In its natural state, Minoxidil is an inactive drug. When absorbed by the skin, it becomes active. The body produces a substance called sulfonyl transferase. This enzyme transforms the inactive drug into an active, potassium agonist. When the potassium channels in the cells are activated, hair growth begins in the now active hair follicles. 

Another theory seems suggest that the medication opens the blood vessels that surround the hair follicle. Inflammation is a cause of hair loss. The interruption of blood circulation causes damage to the hair's follicles and the hair falls out. This medication is known as a vasodilator. When the blood vessels are enlarged, the supply of nutrients, blood and oxygen increases. An increase in nutrients facilitates the improved rate of hair growth. 

Factors that Affect the Treatment's Effectiveness

hair lossAs with all medications, the rate of effectiveness of this hair loss treatment depends on how it is used. The medication's concentration levels directly correlates to an increase in the benefits of its usage. Meaning, a higher concentration will result in fuller hair in a shorter amount of time. Currently, there are two concentrations, five and two percent concentrations. Even though the drug is a unisex, the five percent concentration is usually suggested for men's use. 

The medication is most effective on areas of the scalp where the hair is fine or shows decreased growth. It is ineffective on bald areas. The most noticeable improvements in hair growth occur after six months of treatment. 

Minoxidil is available by prescription or as an over-the-counter treatment. Rogaine is one popular name for the medication. People who suffer from hair loss see an improvement in the thickness and rate of hair growth. It should be noted that stopping the treatments will result in a regression of hair growth and possibly hair loss.