Do Women Really Lose Their Hair Too?

Do Women Really Lose Their Hair Too?

20th Jun 2014

hair lossWhenever we think of hair loss, usually men are the first people to come to mind. After all, we always see guys with bald heads splatted on the cover of magazines and all over our television screens. However, they are not the only ones to lose their hair. Women experience hair loss too.

Why do women deal with hairs falling out of their heads? Well, there are a bunch of reasons for this. For starters, emotional stress could cause women to lose their hair. That's because it is one of the few ways their bodies respond to stress. When they are under a lot of pressure, it triggers their hair to slow down or stop growing altogether. Besides this, emotional stress tends to play an effect on their dietary habits as well, which snowballs into hair loss. Then there is the physical stress. Like emotional stress, their bodies deal with illnesses, surgeries and injuries by losing hair. Of course, physical stress also involves taking prescription drugs or anesthesia which can include side effects that involve hair loss. 

hair lossThose aren't the only reasons, though. Women also lose hair because of genetics. Unfortunately, with this reason, not much can be done to change this. It is in your blood. If a woman's mother, aunts or grandmother had hair that was falling out or thinning, the same may happen to her. In the past, some woman have talked to their doctors about this issue to see if there was maybe an undiagnosed family medical condition at the root of it all. 

A woman's diet can also play a part in her hair loss. If women are not getting all of the nutrients they need daily, this could lead to numerous health issues, including hair loss. However, once they start eating healthier foods, they will begin to notice the effects it has on their hair. If they notice hair loss, among dry skin, high blood pressure, obesity and vitamin deficiencies, their diet is likely the main cause of their problems.

However, women who are experiencing hair loss do have an option when it comes to combating this issue. There is a medication called Minoxidil on the market that helps treat hair loss in both women and men. In fact, Minoxidil is actually the active ingredient used in Rogaine, so it has been proven over and over again to really make a difference in hair loss. With this medication, there is hope for women everywhere.