New Hair Loss Product Technology for Women
10th Jul 2015
With about 30 million women experiencing female-patterned baldness, providing hair loss solutions to women is an important job for many researchers and dermatologists. Fortunately, according to a recent NY Times article, the market of hair loss product technology has expanded, with more and more products and procedures available to women undergoing hereditary hair loss issues. However, each product on the market has seen varying results in success. One relatively new practice is the platelet-rich plasma treatment (PRP), where blood is drawn from the patient, spun in a centrifuge to extract plasma which is then mixed with nutrients, and injected into the scalp to stimulate hair growth, has had mixed results. While many women have seen some hair growth from the procedure, PRP is also expensive, and there is no standardization in the formula given to women, meaning that the results can drastically vary from one doctor to the next.
But one hair loss product has consistently given women hope: minoxidil-based solutions. Brands like Rogaine and Xandrox have been proven to effectively given women a fighting chance at regrowing their hair. Because minoxidil can help stimulate growth from follicles and sustain a longer growing period, more women have seen results from a minoxidil-based solution in an affordable and less invasive way. While hair loss product technology has a long way to go, especially in terms of research for women and their unique experiences, having minoxidil on the market will continue to serve many women daily.
To get your hands on a specially-formulated minoxidil-based product for women, contact us.