The Things That Cause Hair Loss In Women and What You Can Do About It

The Things That Cause Hair Loss In Women and What You Can Do About It

12th Mar 2015

hair lossExperiencing any amount of hair loss in women is extremely stressful because hair is very much a part of a woman's body image. It is not uncommon for a woman to lose her self-confidence or assertiveness because of thinning hair or hair loss because our hair defines us. If we lose our hair, we no longer feel feminine or find ourselves appealing to the opposite sex.

To begin to solve the problem we need to first take a look at what is causing hair loss in the first place. The reasons women experience hair loss are quite different from men.

Heredity is a known major cause of hair loss for men and women, but there are several non-hereditary factors that only affect women such as:

  • fads and crash diets
  • childbirth
  • anemia
  • birth control drugs
  • major stress events such as divorce or the death of a loved one

hair lossSome of these non-hereditary causes result in temporary hair loss, and the hair will grow back on its own. When it doesn't grow back on its own, then it is time for minoxidil, which is the main ingredient in topical medications that stimulate new hair growth.

Our company at has products containing minoxidil which have proven to be the most effective treatment for baldness and thinning hair. It stimulates new hair growth, and for women suffering hair loss, this is just what is needed. Please feel free to contact us for questions and any concerns you have. We are experts in the field of hair loss, and we are here to help you solve the problem.